have always been many questions about Unitics On-line. Here are the
ones that we here most often. If your question isn't answered, please
do let us know. Thank you so much and loving light and joy to you!
is Unitics On-line?
is Unity?
is the history of Unitics On-line?
having problems with the chatrooms.. where can I get help?
made this site?
works on this site?
you accept donations?
churches site isn't listed here- how can I change that?
is the goal of this site?
is Unitics On-line?
Unitics On-line
is-- more than just this site, which is over 50 pages of Unity information.
It is the chatrooms, the bulletin boards-- it is everyone who comes into
contact with it. But, a simpler answer is that, it is this site,
the eMail groups associated with it, and all the people in Unity
who are on-line and have a desire to connect to each other.
is Unity?
Unity is a church,
a wonderous church. For more information, please see our page on
is Unity?
is the history of Unitics On-line?
Unitics On-line
orignally started up 3 years ago, when there was only 8 Unity pages on0line.
Off a friend of mine's eMail account, I added alot of Unity people to this
group-- and we became Unitics On-line the eMail group. Since I had
no computer in my house at the time, this was hard to maintain. So,
when I got a computer, I built the website that I have always wanted to
build. The site was up mid June of 1998, and has been running and
growing and growing and growing ever since.
having problems with the chatrooms.. where can I get help?
Check out Chatroom
information first, but if your questions aren't answered there, please
check eMail Anna Bohannan, our Director
for Unitics Chat Confercing.
made this site?
This is
me here in sunny Arizona
Hi I'm Betsy,
and I set up the Unitics Site. I'm a younger truth student, but a
happy one none the less. I live currently in Mesa, Arizona.
I am very willing to help people out--I feel very called to be a Unity
Minister-- and very called to help people on the internet who are in Unity.
Please feel free
to eMail me,
as I love getting mail! Love and light, and thanks for checking out the
site! ---Betsy :) |
works on this site?
Well aside from
Betsy, Anna Bohannan- the Director for Chat Conferencing here at Unitics
On-line. Anna lives in Texas with her husband and her son.
Recently her Monday Night Chat was featured in INTA's chats. Also,
Marion Good runs the Unity Singles E-mail group, and a Friday Fireside
Chat. We have many volunteers, and if you want to volunteer to help,
please us know.
you accept donations?
While it is best
to tithe your local Unity Center, if you would like to contribute to our
fund to get our own domain name, please write us for the address.
Thank you.
churches site isn't listed here- how can I change that?
Just send us
an eMail! Thanks!
is the goal of this site?
To help every
Unitic understand that we have the power of the internet-- we have the
power of a though based medium, to use and connect thru. Everytime
someone makes a connection thru Unitics, everytime someone meets someone
new on-line, everytime someone subscribes to an eMail group here, or a
Bulletin Board-- we are honored. Welcome to Unitics On-line.
Blessings to you!
Sites On Unitics On-line
the Webmaster
our webmaster an eMail!
us your comments
love to hear your ideas and thoughts!
Questions, Comments,
Thoughts, or broken links on this page?
Please share
this quick form or eMail the webmaster