What does Unity mean to you?
What is your vision for Unity in the next 10 years as we enter the year 2000?
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Your Name 
Your Age 
Your City and State 
Your E-mail Address 

What does Unity mean to you?  What is your vision for Unity in the next 10 years as we enter the year 2000?

The purpose of this project
Enter in your Vision for Unity 2010
Read The Visions Being Carried
What is the Future Search Conference?
Love Offerings to Carrying the Vision
Link to Carrying The Vision

Prayer for the Future Search Conference:
God's Wisdom guides us,
God's love expresses through us,
as we co-create a future filled with blessings.

Questions or comments about Carrying the Vision? Please eMail us at vision@uniticsonline.zzn.com

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